Wednesday 19 December 2012

Victoria Falls

Victoria falls was best seen via a helicopter to appreciate the size and power of the waterfall.   Although firmly belted into the helicopter there was still a degree of nervousness sitting next to the glass door overlooking the falls.   It is very much a tourist town with lots of adrenalin water based activities and lots of people on the street following you and trying to sell trillion dollar notes or some other product.    Costs of drinks were higher than Namibia, still cheaper than Australia though.

The end of the tour was a traditional dinner at the Boma.   Upon arrival , you will be dressed in a colourful sarong and have an animal painted on your face.  After my recent encounters with snakes it was only appropriate this was painted on my face.   I was expecting a squiggly line and that was it, not the level of detail I ended up with so I definitely looked the part when we joined in with some African drumming.

Victoria falls airport was an interesting experience as you check in and get a hand written boarding pass and then when you board the plane, you identify your luggage on the Tarmac as you walk out to the plane.  The irony was that security insisted everyone remove their shoes to go through the scanner.

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