Sunday 18 November 2012

Cape Town (Table Mountain)

Cape Town has not only met my expectations, it has exceeded them.    There is so much to do and see in and around the city centre.  

Starting the day looking out the hotel window with a spectacular view of Table Mountain is a great way to get out of bed and start sight seeing.     Timing the cable car visit to the top of the mountain happened to be pure luck that I got right.  It can often be closed due to weather, especially cloud cover.   Even fluked the timing that I didn't need to rug up like the Michelin Man to cope with the icy winds.     The view was incredible and my head really was in the clouds.   

It is taking some getting used to the security at hotels and properties here with gates, barbed wire fences and security guards.   I have not felt unsafe here and the most danger I have faced is hitting my head on the door of the mini van every time I get out.  Slow learner or fast forgetter?

We were shown the most amazing street filled with colourful houses which is often used for fashion shoots.   It really looks like a Dulux special for the week .

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