Monday 26 November 2012

Tropic of Capricorn & Quad biking

Crossing over Tropic of Capricorn, it is weird to expect more than a sign to differentiate between north and south of the line.  For some reason I expected to see different landscape or geographical differences immediately on either side of the sign.     What was more amazing to me was some people on the tour did not know what the Tropic of Capricorn was in the first place.    My geography lessons memory could only dig up that it was below the equator and the Tropic of Cancer was above as the word Capricorn was longer than Cancer and therefore heavier so it sunk below the equator.

In Swakopmund we spent two hours quad biking through the sand dunes.  Now mother before you worry about if it is safe, I got issued with the hair dryer model quad bike and watched the rest of the group ride off into the sunset while I had my bike on full throttle.  It was a bit like Thomas the tank engine going up hills, "I think I can I think I can"

I even tried sandboarding, which was really like a comedy skit as I tried to climb the sand dune and kept slipping back down as the sand was so soft and then when I went down the dune, my helmet was too big for me so it slid forward over my eyes so I couldn't see a thing.    Maybe that was for the best as I didn't wipeout.  Although I am still getting the sand out of my clothes.

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