Sunday 18 November 2012

The Capes

On the drive to the peninsula we stopped to visit the penguin colony.    The penguins were currently going through their annual moulting which involves shedding their feathers and growing new feathers.   They do not eat during the three week period as they have no protection for hyperthermia so they don't enter the water.  so really what I saw was ugly and hungry penguins .  Missed out on the timing for that one.

Cape Point and Cape of Good Hope is national park further than the eye can see with stunning coast lines and the end of Table Mountain can be seen in the sea just off the coast.

Luck was on our side and glad it wasn't wasted on happy feet penguins as there were four zebras at Cape Point which the tour guide says he has not seen in the area for five years.  All was going well until some over zealous tourist wanted a closer photo and scared  them off, not before I filled up my camera memory card though.

The trek up to the lighthouse was worth the shaking legs at the end with panoramic views of the peninsula.

Found a cure for motion sickness on a large coach travelling along winding roads - alcohol.   South African wine pours are "midi" size pours so two wines at lunch was ample to overcome travel sickness.

Tipping is something I am still adjusting to as someone shaking your hand is not them being polite.  There is an expectation of funds transfer during the hand shake.    I am so used to operating with minimal cash and doing everything on credit card or online banking back home having cash is my purse is a bit of a novelty.

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