Friday 23 November 2012

Khwa Ttu

In between long bouts of travelling on bumpy roads with a bus with poor suspension, we did make time to stop to visit the Khwa ttu education centre.

The tractor took us through the bush track to see a sample of what the bushmen huts looked like and how a camp was normally set up for maximum protection.   The tribal men only hunted enough as is required to feed their families and would not waste anything.  An ostrich egg is the equivalent to 24 hens eggs so can make enough omelette to feed a tribe.  The egg is then washed out and filled with water and sealed with bee wax to create a bpa free water bottle for the hunter.

Unless a man can light a fire and hunt without assistance he would not be given permission to marry as he is not seen as being able to provide for his family.   

I saw my first Springbok today at a distance and then a lot closer up later on, on my dinner plate.   Springbok curry was the speciality of the day. 

A springbok has a white rear end and when danger is sensed they will run towards the sun and flash their white rear at the predator to avoid becoming main course.

I failed the tracking test as it is important to know which Animal footprints you see as you don't want to run into a lion when you looking for a springbok.  I wouldn't last an hour with my powers of observation. 

Check out the toilet signs for male/female here:

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