Saturday 24 November 2012


I was worried when the tour said we  were staying at a bush camp in the desert.   This is my kind of bush camp, flushing toilets, running showers, proper beds, electricity all under the same brick/canvas roof.   

The view from the bar is also not half bad.

Rising at dawn to avoid the heat of the day we climbed Dune 45, named that because it is 45km from the park entrance.  The red colour of the dunes is amazing and it was even worth the torturous climb to the top of the sand dunes before the temperature rose to 46 degrees. Even though you know if you fell off the side of the crest during the climb you will have a soft landing, it is still in unnerving to look at the slide down.  

As the temperature began to soar we visited Sossusvlei which is the end of an ancient riverbed.    By the time we walked through sand dunes to get there I was a little tired, hot and bothered of fully appreciate the place.

Finishing the day at Sesreim gorge for a short walk to see where the occasional flood waters in the desert have created a gorge over thousands of years.

Now where is a day spa when you need one?

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